Thursday 1 December 2011

Anna, Opposition, Janlok Pal and Walmart


Foremost, I would like to welcome Walmart to India, now products in India would tranform into world class.

Anna and his stupid team have started funny stuffs once again, same janlok pal issue, now he says: Government double crossed. How funny! govt. had a job to take the bill in parliament, now if parliament and its true representatives of people of India have thought otherwise that of Anna, what is the fault of govt? Anna want his whims and fancies should be taken by MPs as kings order, he wants them to go as and how he thinks, how funny!
He said he is just opposed to govt on janlokpal issue, if that is resolved he would go and help Congress led govt. in its working, I wondered now where this opposition with regards to Walmart of Anna comes from? Implies he wants to gain power in political aspects. Why doesn't he join mainstream politics if he has so many important issue in the interests of public? He knows he would loose on that stage, so just to create a gimmick which can't be checked about his political value he avoid mainstream politics, and declares he is very much inseperable part of Politics (Policy making) in India.
Opposition, has a job to oppose govt. that is very much legal. everyone wants to remain in power, they are more considerate about opposing govt. so they can pave way for their own position in the next tenure. They are not very much considerate about development, its very much understood, just oppose the govt. is the motto of opposition, but this is valid and legal. Why is Anna jumping in, poking his nose in middle of something which he has no idea about? Playing opposition on one occasion and declaring he is very crystal clear and neutral at the same time.

I have this thing to say, I am happy that Walmart came to India! It would create a lot of job vacancies for Indians, and is in interest of country. Anna, you better take some B complex vitamin supplement and rest as well.

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