Tuesday, 3 March 2015

My collection of multi-religious Divine Words

Islamic Prayers (Language: Arabic) 

Holy Qur’an, Surah 1, Al Faatiha 
(The Opening Chapter 1)

1) Bism Illah Ir Rahmaan Ir Rahiim 
(In the name of God the Gracious the Merciful) 
2) Al Hamdu Lillahi Rabb Il Aalamiin 
(Blessed is God the Lord of universe)
3) Ar Rahmaan Ir Rahiim 
(The Gracious the Merciful)
4) Maaliki Yaum Id Diin 
(King of the day of religion)
5) Iyyaaka Na’budu Wa Iyyaaka Nastaiin 
(We worship you and we seek you for help)
6) Ihdin As Siraat Al Mustaqiim 
(Keep us on straight path)
7) Siraat Allazina An’amta Alayhim Ghair Il Maghdubi Alayhim Wa La Addaallin 
(Path of those who were granted prizes neither of those who earned your anger and nor of mislead)

Holy Qur’an, Surah 112, Al Ikhlaas/ Tauhiid (Chapter 112, the Purity/ Absolute Monotheism):

0) Bismillah Ir Rahmaan Ir Rahiim 
(In the name of God the Gracious the Merciful)
1) Qul Hu Allahu Ahad 
(Say He the God is One)
2) Allah Hus Samad 
(God is absolutely Independent)
3) Lam Yalid Wa Lam Yulad 
(Neither begets nor is begotten)
4) Wa Lam Yakun Lahu Kufuwan Ahad 
(And none is equal to this One)

Christian Prayers (Language: Aramaic) 

Holy Bible, Mathew 6/ Mattai Waw, Abwoon D'Bashmaya (The Lord's Prayer)

9) Abwoon D'Bashmaya Netqaddash Shmak 
(Our Father Who Art In Heaven Hallowed Be Thy Name)
10) Teete Malkutah Nehvwey Tzevyannach Aykanna D'Bashmaya Aph B'arha 
(Thy Kingdom Come Thy Will Be Done On Earth As It Is In Heaven)
11) Havlan Lahma D'Sunqananan Yaomana 
(Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread)
12) Washbwoqlan Haubvayn Aykana Daph Hnan Shbvoqan L'hayyabayn 
(And Forgive Us Our Trespasses For We Forgive Those Who Trespass Against Us)
13) Wela Tahlan Le'Ynesyuna. Ela Patzan Min Bisha 
(And Lead Us Not Into Temptation But Deliver Us From Evil)
Metul Dilakhe Malkuta Wahayla Wateshbuhta L'Ahlam Almin 
(For yours is the Kingdom the Power and the Glory Forever and ever)  
(So be it)

Jewish Prayer (Language: Hebrew)

Holy Bible, Deutronomy/ Devarim 6, Shema Yisrael (Hear, O Israel)

4) Shema Yisrael Adonai Eloheinu Adonai Ehad 
(Hear, O Israel: the LORD is our God, the LORD is One)

Barukh Sheim (Blessed be the Name), Psalms/ Tehellim 72

19) Barukh Sheim K'vod Malkhuto L'olam Va'ed 
(Blessed be the Name of His glorious kingdom forever and ever)

Hindu Prayer (Language: Sanskrit) 

Rig Veda 7.59.12, Mahamrityunjaya Mantra (Death conquering verse)

Om Trayambakam Yajaamahe Sugandhim Pushtivardhanam 
(We worship the three-eyed One who is fragrant and who nourishes well all beings)
 Urvaarukamiva Bandhanaan Mrityor Muksheeya Maamritaat 
(May He liberate us from death for the sake of immortality even as the cucumber is severed from its bondage to the creeper.)

Rig Veda 3.62.10, Gayatri Mantra (Verse of Hymn)

Om Bhur Bhuvah Svah Tat Savitur Vareni Yam Bhargo Devasya Dhimahi Dhiyo yo Nah Prachodayat 
(Om We meditate on the glory of that Being who has produced this universe; may He enlighten our minds.)

Sikh prayer (Language: Punjabi Gurmukhi) 

Guru Granth Sahib Ji, Mool Mantar (Root Verse)

Ik Onkaar 
(There is Only One God) 
Sath Naam Karathaa Purakh 
(Truth is God's Name, God is the Creator, Protector)
Nirabho Niravair Akaal Moorath Ajoonee Saibhan Gur Prasaadh
(Fearless, No Enmity, The First Entity, Without Incarnations, Self-perpetuating; With the Divine Teacher’s grace)

Zoroastrian Prayer (Language: Avestan)   

Yasna 27.13, Ahuna Vairya

Yatha Ahu, Vairiyo Atha Ratush Ashat Chit Hacha 
(Just as the righteous Creator of the world is powerful, in the same way any person will be powerful according to his/her righteousness)
Vangheush Dazda Manangho Shyaothananam Angheush Mazdai
(The gift of the Good Mind is both the effect and the cause of serving God's Will)
Khashathremcha Ahurai A Yim Drigubyo Dadat Vastarem 
(One who dedicates one’s life to serving the needs of the world, will have the help of God's powers and glory)

Yasna 27.14, Ashem Vohu

Ashem Vohu Vashistem Asti 
(Truth is best of all that is good)
Ushta Asti, Ushta Ahmai, Hyat Ashai Vahishtai Ashem 
(As desired, what is being desired is truth for him who represents best truth)  

Buddhist Prayer (Language: Sanskrit/ Pali) 

Triratna (Three Jewels)

Buddham Sharanam Gacchaami 
(I go for refuge in the Enlightened)
Dhammam Sharanam Gacchaami 
(I go for refuge in the duty)
Sangham Sharanam Gacchaami 
(I go for refuge in the mission)

Om Mani Padme Hum 
(Behold! The jewel in the lotus)  

Jain Prayer (Language: Prakit)

Namokar Mantra (Salutation verse) 
Namo Arihantanam 
(I bow to the Conquerors)
Namo Siddhanam 
(I bow to the liberated ones)
Namo Ayariyanam 
(I bow to the Preceptor)
Namo Uvajjhayanam 
(I bow to the Teachers)
Namo Loe Savva Sahunam 
(I bow to all the Sages of the world)
Esopancanamokkaro, Savvapavappanasano 
(This five-fold salutation completely destroys all the sins)
Mangalanam Cha Savvesim, Padamama Havai Mangalam 
(And, of all auspicious salutations, this is indeed the foremost auspicious one) 

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