Sunday, 15 November 2015

Paris Attacks!

I strongly condemn the brutal terrorist attacks carried out in Paris. Our world needs the end of ISIS. No religion teaches killing. Even Holy Qur'an openly declares that to kill an innocent person amounts to killing of all humanity, the terrorist have no religion they dont even have humanity. My deepest sympathies and condolence with the bereaved families, RIP the departed souls! Je suis avec la France contre les attaques a Paris! 

Sunday, 1 November 2015

Maula Imam Ali’s outlook on life:

Every breath that you inhale is your next step towards your ultimate death! Man becomes so busy in his life that he misses out to notice that his coffin has arrived in market! When you have earned so much money that you cannot spend all the money in your entire lifetime then you merely become a watchman on our own money for someone who would use it after your death!

When I look at man, I wonder what sort of species the Creator has created, what proud man has over him! He looks with balls of mere fats, he hears with mere hole in a bone, he talks with merely a piece of muscle, his best dish is vomit of a bee (honey), and his best cloth is saliva of an insect (silk)!

When I look at man, I wonder what species the Creator has created, what proud man has over him! This man who first loses his health in earning money, and then spends this earned money to regain his lost health! He sitting in his present is always worried about his future, and when you go and see him in his future he is crying on mistakes of his past. He lives as if he will never die and he dies as if he had never lived!

A person who has no friends is a stranger in his own hometown. Stupid is a person who could not make few friends in his life and more stupid is that person who loses his friend after making friend due any of his action! When you want to make a lifelong true friendship make also a graveyard in your heart when you start a friendship so that you can bury all mistakes of your friend in that! Don’t break your friendship with a friend over some of his shortcomings when you needed him, you don’t know what your friend might had been going through in his life and in all this you’d lose a friend.

When someone close to you is upset with you and you’re sure enough that he believes you’d sure re-patch with him, then don’t break their this proud conviction about you! Don’t judge your friend’s friendship with financial level, I’m sure enough most of the time loyal friends are rather poor. Don’t get frustrated with your friend’s frequent demands from you, take pride that it is you through whom God is providing them their needs! Be such a friend that when you’re with your friends they enjoy their time and when you’re not among them they miss you out.

A good wife treats her husband as a king and thus herself becomes a queen, a stupid wife treats her husband as manservant and thus herself becomes a maid. The upbringing of your children starts the moment you propose a woman for marriage! Your child is your toy from birth up to seventh year, from seventh year to fourteenth year your child will behave as an obedient slave after fourteenth year onwards your child is either your friend or your enemy! Never force your children to behave like you, for you were born for a different period and they were born for a different period.

Patience is such a vehicle that it will never let you fall, neither let you fall in someone’s opinion nor on someone’s feet! The best revenge is to develop further your own positives! To ask from God is bravery, if He gives you it’s His mercy, if he doesn’t than it’s part of His major plan, to ask from creature is cowardice, if they give you it’s their favour on you, and if they don’t then you’re ashamed in front of them! Never stop from donating less because not donating at all will be worse. Never say ‘no’ to a beggar for he has already gone down so much to beg at least don’t make him fall beyond that level! 

A person who after going to visit someone returns without any food or drink then it makes no difference whether the person visited another person or returned from a graveyard! Plant at least one tree in your life! Don’t become such a non-vegetarian that your stomach becomes a graveyard of animals! Any day during which you don’t commit any wrong is a day of festival for you, so celebrate such days!

There are four types of people, the first ones are the one who don’t know and don’t know that they don’t know, these are fools keep safe from them. The second ones are the one who don’t know but know that they don’t know, these are ignorant so educate them. The third ones are one who know but don’t know that they know, these are with sleeping minds so enlighten them. The fourth ones are the one who know and know that they know, these are wise so follow them!

O Allah! Peace and Salutations be upon Mohammed and upon Family of Mohammed!