Thursday, 28 February 2013

Mental status of paper setters of Maharashtra Board (HSC-12th Std)

The letter writing question asked students ‘to console your brother on death of your father’ this year in HSC-12th Exam 2013. Does Maharashtra board recognizes that it's education system also believes in teaching sensitivity to students? Specially, when it itself doesn't know what sensitivity is! To be silly don’t you think that paper setter who put this question in paper should be given India’s best teacher award?

By asking already tensed students to write such stuffs for such a critical exam (12th) what is Maharashtra board of secondary and higher secondary education trying to test? That how would a child behave and how would the child console others on his/her father’s death?

Next year’s students be sure to prepare yourselves for more disgusting questions like: ‘ you've been raped, write a letter to your parents informing them about mishap’ or ‘inform your brother about adulterous behavior of your sister in law’! Because asking someone how would they behave on their father’s death or how would they console others is equally disgusting.

Maharashtra board’s executives when you people set papers for such critical exams do you get drunk? Probably, yes! Because only ill, mentally insecure, cynic and psycho people can ask such questions to students. Don’t you people know anything about virtue of sensitivity, then what the hell do you teach that in your books from 1st to 12th standard?

If board really wants to ask such disgusting questions in papers then why does it releases guidelines for students about how to cope with exam stress etc. Board, please concentrate more on mentality of your paper setters. Already our education system and syllabus are victim of political goons, and you board members serve their political appetite, it is children who suffer in the end.

Such insensitive questions have also been asked in past. It’s really enough that such psycho cases are members of board’s paper setting, I know what our state govt. would do, as usual nothing! May be if someone files a PIL in courts against drunkard and psycho board members then something could be done. I am sure our courts would take such matters seriously, since such stuffs give severe mental trauma to our already tensed students that too in those critical hours.

One thing for sure the Maharashtra HSC board should suspend that bastard who put the question while paper-setting. Because, ‘how would one behave when one’s father dies?’ such a question could only be asked by a bastard who doesn't know what the value of father is in the family.

Wednesday, 13 February 2013

Thanks to Times of India over Deoband issue

Few days back I wrote on my blog that Times of India was giving undue advantage to Deoband seminary by projecting it as sole representative of Indian Muslims, by suffixing it as Asia's largest Islamic seminary etc etc.

Yesterday when I read some news about Deoband, I was happy to see those suffixes Asia's largest Islamic seminary etc were not there, thus I thank Times of India for that kind consideration.

Even PM is upset! Apologize and compensate Afzal Guru’s family

PM Dr. Manmohan Singh admitted his disapproval by admitting he too is upset that Afzal Guru’s family was not allowed to meet him before his execution. Now, the official position of Govt. of India is evident that something seriously went wrong. There are also reports of petition against the pre and post execution procedures is about to be filed in court.

Merely admitting disapproval by a government doesn’t satisfy the dissatisfaction over the issue. Our government should send an official apology to the family of Afzal Guru, family’s right to have last meeting were hampered, this is an International Human right issue. Let Afzal Guru be a criminal then too his family is innocent and post execution Afzal Guru’s body can’t be treated as criminal. Body deserves all post death human rights.

If officials of government took it lightly and mistreated the dead body by not handing it over to the family so that they can have a family funeral then instantly every involved official who violated Indian laws and Indian ethics must be suspended. What a terrorists do to innocent people, neither the government nor its official can do that, else what is the difference between a civilized government and terrorists?

By the way let me say terrorists succeed because of security failure and corruption in security system. If incompetency is the issue it could be worked upon but if there is corruption in security system then those involved are themselves terrorists and are at war with our nation, they deserve same treatment.

Government is upset by the procedure meted out thus it should instantly send an apology to his family, also compensate Afzal Guru’s family with at least INR 2500000 (25 Lakh). Because mistreating dead body by burying the dead body without permission of dead body’s executive is inhuman crime. Also, Afzal Guru’s body must be exhumed and returned to his family instantly. Our government is itself putting diplomatic pressure for one military martyr whose father received desecrated dead body of his son, what would be the difference if our Govt.’s officials do the same things that we are objecting to on International level?

Why this should be done is to show that we are a civilized nation, things somehow went wrong and since we are civilized enough to grasp the emotional hurt done to our very own citizens (a mother, a wife and a son) by our officials, we will at least apply constitutional remedy to it. I see our PM Dr. Manmohan Singh with great regards that he boldly admitted that he too was upset, thus now our govt. should not allow anyone to defame our nation and our democracy; returning of dead body, official apology and compensation is the best constitutional remedy.

It is also better for India to outlaw Capital Punishment, World is progressing against it, we have always aimed to walk with the World, and we should not look at theocracies since we are a democracy.

Tuesday, 12 February 2013

Afzal Guru’s execution and surrounding issues!

Which sane person can agree that one and sole only Afzal Guru was the mastermind behind Parliament attack? Even if not that can you agree that those who were shot down and Afzal Guru could together be taken as complete set of conspirers? If your answers are ‘No’, then wouldn’t you agree to it that trial could have a lot of loopholes as co-conspirers are out of trial?

It is really injustice in my opinion to penalize someone and forget about absconding ones and out of reach conspirers of such an attack. It is making a scapegoat out of arrested, it is also transferring charges, hatred and anger for someone to another person just because he is caught and accused. Just to satisfy our sense of anger and justice we can’t deal in such a way when we declare we are followers of law and equality.

True Justice is that all accused are trialed and then sent for conviction, till then ample possibilities of doubts remains because who knows what lies beneath. In case of Afzal Guru where are other accused, if their trials are still to be held, convicting Afzal Guru to death and practically executing him shows our failure in bringing complete justice. Afzal Guru should have been given life sentence in such a case.

One may reason that co-accused and conspirers are out of reach, in that case does our law allow us to make scapegoat of someone just to fulfill our senses of anger, hatred and justice? If our diplomatic procedure is weak or a failure we have no moral right left with us to make scapegoats. Unless all accused are trialed and convicted, to condemn a single person is grave injustice in my personal opinion.

We have no moral right to operate justice when our other section the diplomacy is a failure and can’t bring co-conspirers back. In such a case Sanity would declare it as unfair, when it is unfair it is injustice, when it is injustice we too are criminals, criminals in eyes of God, Humanity and Sanity.

Secondly, executions are to be for sake of justice and not to pacify public sentiments most among whose don’t even know A, B and Cs of law. Executions are not for the sake of silencing a group in Parliament thus to make sessions go smooth. Those who were disrupting sessions and emphasizing executions when things were already under legal procedure showed nothing but sadism. Only cheap political parties can make cheap political stunts.

Afzal Guru was called mastermind of attack on parliament. When public sentiments are taken by TV channels and most of college goers who’re just for tonight’s movie, current lover and future jobs or frustrated 9 to 5 racers out of their boss’ scolding that day shift the frustrations on MPs and declare an opinion on mic and in front of camera that MPs should be gunned or all are criminals, which mind would you call them, masterminds or something else? When things of such sort are depicted in movies would you call it as creativity or something other than mastermind?

I want to say that executing one or incomplete set of accused and conspirers while letting other roam free citing reasons of diplomatic failure is not complete justice. We at least should avoid death sentence unless all accused are either dead or are arrested, because who know which thing/information can change the course of legal opinion and procedure, no one knows what lies beneath.

Death by terrorist are grievous on that principle death by rioters are also equivalent crimes, we have witnessed so many riots and deaths, when would victims get justice. If in future they will get justice but on which precise day we don’t know then what picture of our judiciary are we portraying to world?

Criminals no matter what heinous crime is accused to deserves human right, the convicted is being dealt for the crime that’s it, other rights the person deserves if hampered make us sadist for sure. All other rights except that right which is affected due to crime needs to be dealt with other rights must be left with criminals.

Afzal Guru was told that he would be hanged today by next 2 or 3 hours, is it sense of humanity or shamelessness? A person may have so many things to share with close friends and family, was Afzal Guru allowed to exercise that human right? What our law says about when to inform the convicted about execution, or shamelessly it is still left ambiguous and to the discretionary powers of superintendent?

Afzal was told he would be executed in next few hours; for sure he was sure that he can’t meet his wife, mother or son then what crap are officials declaring that he was asked about his last wish and he said nothing? Were officials human and had relatives that they could have understood Afzal needs to have a last family meet with his mother, wife and son at least.

Officials enjoy air-travel, holidays on public money and family of person to be executed is told by speed post. What IT revolution do we talk about does our law prohibits us to inform the family of person to be executed by at least internet! Security reasons would have sounded correct had the official arranged for an internet conference or at least had allowed him to have a last talk with his mother, wife and son on mobile phone. Nothing was done, do you know butcher practise giving at least water to animals before lawful slaughters.

Our intellectuals talk about Antim Sanskar, do they know Afzal Guru and his family also deserved similar rites which Islam talks about, giving bath to body, anointing, enshrouding, last glimpse, carrying body on shoulders, funeral prayers by permission of relative, laying body in grave, making pillow with mud given by relatives and friends, putting mud with one’s hand in the grave, water the grave, plant some twigs, seeking salvation for him over his grave by relatives and friends. Was Afzal Guru or his family given the freedom to execute these human rights? Are Afzal Guru’s mother, wife and son also criminals that they can’t exercise funeral rights?

If ‘No’, then to declare that he was buried with full religious rites is just talking slang  because all funeral rites are executed by relatives, friends and neighbors or by their permission. Afzal Guru was convicted but never unclaimed or heir-less  If what he was convicted for was shameless than what was done before and after his legal execution was more shameful. At least if little bit of shame is being felt, exhume the body and hand it over to his family for a family funeral.

One more thing, after witnessing several execution in newspapers,  TV and internet our so called divine public with divine ancient culture and human practices have grown sadist. Seriously just have a look the way executing procedure are written in newspapers with illustrations and are shown on TV with graphics, people are growing sadist, enjoying climaxing procedures of someone’s death. After being used to violence on movies, games we need more realistic pleasure, this is where sadism comes in our senses.

Criminals even if they are human and their death is although justice but a loss for their family, shock for emotional attachments and thus the loss the family goes through must be respected. If someone enjoys climaxing events of someone death, the person must be referred to psychiatrist. Media avoid drawing TRPs and sales through sadism.

I am personally against capital punishments. People who have all possibilities to commit similar crimes in future have no present right and legal obligation to execute capital punishments on others.
Nothing will change and we would continue to boost our sense of justice, humanity and morality to the World, but the World is not an idiot!

My deep desire: I want India to be the best country in the world with the best regulations. Thus I feel we need to reconsider Victorian era rules and procedures at least after so many years of independence. I am not interested in supporting Afzal Guru's opinions or any Anti-Indian activities, what I am talking about is how Indian laws and procedures should have high morals even when they are applied on it's criminals. Nation of Gandhi should have high morals that's it!