Wednesday, 26 December 2012
Innovative Mazher: Technique to make helicopters steady while they ho...
Innovative Mazher: Technique to make helicopters steady while they ho...: I am sure enough this technique of mine would make helicopters remain steady while they hover closer to ground. This technique would solv...
Tuesday, 25 December 2012
Sorrows of Orphan Baby Sakina, Imam Husain's daughter...
Welcome to Shia Islam: Sorrows of Orphan Baby Sakina, Imam Husain's daugh...: After Karbala, from Kufa to Damascus Imam Husain's left out family was captured and imprisoned, among them was one 4 years old baby Sakina ...
Friday, 21 December 2012
Egypt's referendum 2012, which Islamic concept?
News from Egypt declare they are going for referendum to apply sharia (Islamic canon). Egypt has Christian and Jew population along with Muslims, they are said would be governed by Islamic law and would be treated as Dimmi ( Non-Muslim who enjoys Islamic protection). Would Christians with different sects and Holy Sees and central churches agree to it? Would all Jews agree to it? Christians and Jews are just minorities and not micro communities in Egypt thus to accord them Dimmi status is not appropriate, there are a lot of chances of injustice be done to them on various front in future.
Also, Muslims are in majority, sounds astonishing that Muslim are treated as one group, what if in future Shia or Sufi are branded as Kafir ( Non-Muslims) on basis of a Fatwa from a particular cleric? Is there any convention about Islamic society which all major Egyptians sections agree to that which group is Muslim and which is Non-Muslim? If not then Muslim unity is just for name sake to acquire power by one powerful group and once they come into power they would brand some sect as Non-Muslims.
Unless an Islamic convention is made agreeable to whole Egyptian Muslim society; counting Muslims as one is seed for future injustice, nepotism and turmoil. Muslims be counted on basis of sects and not as Muslims, each group be regarded as independant group like Shia, Maliki Sunni, Shafai Sunni, Ismaili, Salafi, Sufi and not temporarily as Muslims, some of which in future for sure would be branded as Kafir.
Also, since concepts of Sharia in opinion of independent Muslim sects vary and are independent in themselves as well, no reason is left to talk about or assume one national sharia. I don't think Egypt or any other Muslim majority country is ready to make national sharia practical because there is no Islamic convention agreeable to all which decides which sect is within Islam or out of Islam. Such deep hidden feelings when one acquire power appears in form of branding others as non-muslims and later doing grievous injustice to them.
Its already been seen in lot of places where people formed a national Muslim front ie: Pakistan, came into power and then the a particular sect acquired more political power and once they become powerful enough they brand others as non-Muslims and started to do injustice to them. Shias have always been victim of such tactics. Muslim world is just not ready to practice Sharia at national level.
Thursday, 20 December 2012
Welcome to Shia Islam: Shia view: Mohammed, a Prophet by birth
Welcome to Shia Islam: Shia view: Mohammed, a Prophet by birth: Shia Muslims believe Mohammed is Prophet and Messenger of God like any other Muslim believes, but still there is great difference between t...
Monday, 17 December 2012
Gun culture in USA
US constitution guarantees it's citizens to bear arms, but it also guarantees it's citizens right to life! What if someone's right to bear arms is coming in conflict with other's right to Life? Which right must supercede the other; right to bear arm's for those who want to or right to life which is enjoyed by one and all?
The law allows you to bear arms but does it allow you to carry ammunition along with, I mean a fully loaded gun?
It was really painful to get the news of Connecticut's tragedy, I just feel the legislators should now come into action and legislate to clarify which right must supercede the other; right to bear arms should supersede the right to life, or the right to life must supercede the right to bear arms.
Slavery was prevalent once upon a time, but when conscience of humans advanced and they grasped that slavery hurts the right to freedom of slaves, which is Divine in nature, the world bought an end to slavery, now there is need to bring an end to any such possibility which devastate families and snatch away the loved ones.
The law allows you to bear arms but does it allow you to carry ammunition along with, I mean a fully loaded gun?
It was really painful to get the news of Connecticut's tragedy, I just feel the legislators should now come into action and legislate to clarify which right must supercede the other; right to bear arms should supersede the right to life, or the right to life must supercede the right to bear arms.
Slavery was prevalent once upon a time, but when conscience of humans advanced and they grasped that slavery hurts the right to freedom of slaves, which is Divine in nature, the world bought an end to slavery, now there is need to bring an end to any such possibility which devastate families and snatch away the loved ones.
Tuesday, 11 December 2012
Welcome to Shia Islam: Karbala, brief overview
Welcome to Shia Islam: Karbala, brief overview: Yazid (an Ommayyad) was forcing Husain the grandson of Prophet Mohammed to accept him as spiritual head (Caliph) of Islam. Husain denied hi...
Tuesday, 27 November 2012
Aam Aadmi Party and Arvind Kejriwal
So the real motive of Arvind Kejriwal is evident now, his Aam Aadmi Party is formed. All his tactics were for this, he used Anna Hajare for his advantage as his pawn. Why is Anna Hajare not in the party? Big question, Anna Hajare is not an aam aadmi? But I would say Kejriwal is on appropriate track, compete enter legislature and bring in changes; this was all sensible guys were asking him to do rather than cheap publicity stunts.
He had been projecting Members of Legislature as criminals, now he would be victim of his own words all were criminal now he would be one among them, how funny! The only thing I have to say is people like Arvind Kejriwal are sources of corruption at lower most level, pathetic persons!
He had been projecting Members of Legislature as criminals, now he would be victim of his own words all were criminal now he would be one among them, how funny! The only thing I have to say is people like Arvind Kejriwal are sources of corruption at lower most level, pathetic persons!
Saturday, 10 November 2012
Eid Mubahila ( 24 Dhul Hajja)
Mubahila ( Imprecation) is an event towards the end of ninth year of Prophet (saw) sent his official letters of office of prophethood to the tribes around. One such letter was sent to Bishop of Najran, Yemen, it concluded in the invitation to Islam or exercise religious freedom under Islamic government.
The Bishop send 14 members as representative to Madina to discuss the issue with Prophet (saw), the deputation was headed by Abdul Masih Aaquib, Abdul Haris ibn Alqama and Saiyed. The discussed the issue with Prophet (saw) who invited them to Islam as truthful messenger from same God who sent Jesus (as) aforetime for guidance, in case they dont accept Islam they have to accept the conditions of exercise of religious freedom in accordance to Islamic rules ( payment of Jizya).They began to inquire from Prophet (saw) about his belief in Jesus (as), about what Islam says about Jesus (as). They were not convinced with reply of Jesus (as) not being son of God rather just be messenger and prophet of God.As counter question, the representatives put question about who the father of Jesus (as) was? Since they too knew Islam believes in virgin and miraculous conception of Mary (as). They put this question deliberately to get reply 'no one', thus they can conclude that if no one fathered Jesus (as) implies that he was son of God.God revealed the following verse of Qur'an as a reply for them, which would put stop to their counter questions:
[Quran 3:59] Inna ma-sala Isa inda Allah kama-sali Aadama khalqahu min turabinn summa qala lahu kun fayakunIndeed, the example of Jesus to Allah is like that of Adam. He created Him from dust; then He said to him, "Be," and he was.[Quran 3:60] Alhaqqu min Rabbika fala takun min almumtarinThe truth is from your Lord, so do not be among the doubters.Thus, this bought an end to their counter question, they wanted to imply that since Jesus (as) had no father would imply he was son of God. God replied in eyes of God, Jesus (as) was in likeness of Adam (as). If they go by their beliefs than Adam (as) had greater right to be son of God since he had neihter father nor mother.This too could not convince them. Lately, the following verse was revealed to Prophet (saw) as last option possible:They, were asked to assemble with their sons, women and selves and curse each other and if Prophet (saw) was liar there curse would fall on him and vice versa.Note, herein Prophet (saw) had an option to take more then one woman, and more one who would be like him ( his self). He took just his daughter and cousin although there was an option but with condition. It implies that no one was equivalent to his self except Ali (as) though other had desires to be taken, also no other woman was competent enough except Fatima (as).Once, the Christian deputation accepted the imprecation contest, Salman Farsi (as) was asked to make arrangement and a stage. On 24th Dhul Hajja 9th Hijri, Prophet (saw) bought them (the aforesaid persons), the Christian deputations was awestruck and spellbound to see the illuminating personalities. They became sure enough that if these people utter curses against them they would perish away.Abdul Haris ibn Alqama exclaimed: "Verily I see a divine light on the face of our combatants; I am beholding such faces among them as can make the mountains move from their spots if they pray to God. So beware! Never try to contest with them, otherwise you will perish and the entire nation of Christians will succumb to extinction!"Later, they signed a treaty to live as Christians and exercise religious freedom within Islamic government in return for Islamic tax 'Jizya'.Day of triumph, Eid Mubahila Mubarak!!!
[Qur'an 3:61] Faman haajjaka fihi mim ba'di majaa'aka min alilmi faqul ta'aalu nadu abna'ana wa abna'akum wa nisa'ana wa nisa'akum wa anfusana wa anfusakum summa nabtahil fanajal la'anat Allahi ala alkazibin!Then whoever (Christians of Najran, Yemen) argues with you (Prophet Mohammed) about it after [this] knowledge has come to you - say, "Come, let us call our sons (Imam Hasan and Imam Husain) and your sons, our women (Fatima Zahra) and your women, ourselves ( Prophet Mohammed and Imam Ali) and yourselves, then supplicate earnestly [together] and invoke the curse of Allah upon the liars [among us]."
The Bishop send 14 members as representative to Madina to discuss the issue with Prophet (saw), the deputation was headed by Abdul Masih Aaquib, Abdul Haris ibn Alqama and Saiyed. The discussed the issue with Prophet (saw) who invited them to Islam as truthful messenger from same God who sent Jesus (as) aforetime for guidance, in case they dont accept Islam they have to accept the conditions of exercise of religious freedom in accordance to Islamic rules ( payment of Jizya).They began to inquire from Prophet (saw) about his belief in Jesus (as), about what Islam says about Jesus (as). They were not convinced with reply of Jesus (as) not being son of God rather just be messenger and prophet of God.As counter question, the representatives put question about who the father of Jesus (as) was? Since they too knew Islam believes in virgin and miraculous conception of Mary (as). They put this question deliberately to get reply 'no one', thus they can conclude that if no one fathered Jesus (as) implies that he was son of God.God revealed the following verse of Qur'an as a reply for them, which would put stop to their counter questions:
[Quran 3:59] Inna ma-sala Isa inda Allah kama-sali Aadama khalqahu min turabinn summa qala lahu kun fayakunIndeed, the example of Jesus to Allah is like that of Adam. He created Him from dust; then He said to him, "Be," and he was.[Quran 3:60] Alhaqqu min Rabbika fala takun min almumtarinThe truth is from your Lord, so do not be among the doubters.Thus, this bought an end to their counter question, they wanted to imply that since Jesus (as) had no father would imply he was son of God. God replied in eyes of God, Jesus (as) was in likeness of Adam (as). If they go by their beliefs than Adam (as) had greater right to be son of God since he had neihter father nor mother.This too could not convince them. Lately, the following verse was revealed to Prophet (saw) as last option possible:They, were asked to assemble with their sons, women and selves and curse each other and if Prophet (saw) was liar there curse would fall on him and vice versa.Note, herein Prophet (saw) had an option to take more then one woman, and more one who would be like him ( his self). He took just his daughter and cousin although there was an option but with condition. It implies that no one was equivalent to his self except Ali (as) though other had desires to be taken, also no other woman was competent enough except Fatima (as).Once, the Christian deputation accepted the imprecation contest, Salman Farsi (as) was asked to make arrangement and a stage. On 24th Dhul Hajja 9th Hijri, Prophet (saw) bought them (the aforesaid persons), the Christian deputations was awestruck and spellbound to see the illuminating personalities. They became sure enough that if these people utter curses against them they would perish away.Abdul Haris ibn Alqama exclaimed: "Verily I see a divine light on the face of our combatants; I am beholding such faces among them as can make the mountains move from their spots if they pray to God. So beware! Never try to contest with them, otherwise you will perish and the entire nation of Christians will succumb to extinction!"Later, they signed a treaty to live as Christians and exercise religious freedom within Islamic government in return for Islamic tax 'Jizya'.Day of triumph, Eid Mubahila Mubarak!!!
[Qur'an 3:61] Faman haajjaka fihi mim ba'di majaa'aka min alilmi faqul ta'aalu nadu abna'ana wa abna'akum wa nisa'ana wa nisa'akum wa anfusana wa anfusakum summa nabtahil fanajal la'anat Allahi ala alkazibin!Then whoever (Christians of Najran, Yemen) argues with you (Prophet Mohammed) about it after [this] knowledge has come to you - say, "Come, let us call our sons (Imam Hasan and Imam Husain) and your sons, our women (Fatima Zahra) and your women, ourselves ( Prophet Mohammed and Imam Ali) and yourselves, then supplicate earnestly [together] and invoke the curse of Allah upon the liars [among us]."
Sunday, 4 November 2012
Saturday, 27 October 2012
Eid Saeed, Eid ul Adha Mubarak
27th October 2012 ( 10th Dhul Hajja 1433)
Wish you all a very happy and blessed Eid ul Adha, Eid which commemorates the sacrifice of Prophet Abraham/ Ibrahim (as) and his son Prophet Ishmael/ Ismaail (as).
Abraham (as) was commanded in dream to sacrifice his most beloved possession to God, after 3 successive dreams Abraham (as) shared his vision ( dream) with his only son Ishmael (as), latter approved the opinion and agreed to sacrifice his life as per wishes of God and convinced his father that he would remain patient.
On their way Satan appeared three times to Abraham (as) and tried to convince him not to sacrifice his only son which was born to him at age of 84 years, Abraham (as) as denial to Satan's advice threw pebbles at him to show his rejection towards Satan's advice. This is remembered to this day when Muslims who perform Hajj throw pebbles at pillars which marks the locations of Satan when he tried to tempt Abraham (as).
Abraham (as) reached the location tied a cloth strip on his eyes asked Ishmael (as) to lie and put his knife on his son's neck for slaughter, exactly when he was about to start Archangel Gabriel (as) appeared to him with a ram from paradise, declared to Abraham (as) that his intention to sacrifice his beloved was accepted by God an now God wants you to change Ishmael (as) with Ram, and made this a religious tradition. God declared Ram to be slaughtered on behalf of Ishmael (as) as in future Dibbe Azim ( great sacrifice) would be done by future generation, which was finally performed by grandson of Prophet Mohammed (saw) in the event of Karbala.
Wish you a very happy and blessed Eid Adha!
Wish you all a very happy and blessed Eid ul Adha, Eid which commemorates the sacrifice of Prophet Abraham/ Ibrahim (as) and his son Prophet Ishmael/ Ismaail (as).
Abraham (as) was commanded in dream to sacrifice his most beloved possession to God, after 3 successive dreams Abraham (as) shared his vision ( dream) with his only son Ishmael (as), latter approved the opinion and agreed to sacrifice his life as per wishes of God and convinced his father that he would remain patient.
On their way Satan appeared three times to Abraham (as) and tried to convince him not to sacrifice his only son which was born to him at age of 84 years, Abraham (as) as denial to Satan's advice threw pebbles at him to show his rejection towards Satan's advice. This is remembered to this day when Muslims who perform Hajj throw pebbles at pillars which marks the locations of Satan when he tried to tempt Abraham (as).
Abraham (as) reached the location tied a cloth strip on his eyes asked Ishmael (as) to lie and put his knife on his son's neck for slaughter, exactly when he was about to start Archangel Gabriel (as) appeared to him with a ram from paradise, declared to Abraham (as) that his intention to sacrifice his beloved was accepted by God an now God wants you to change Ishmael (as) with Ram, and made this a religious tradition. God declared Ram to be slaughtered on behalf of Ishmael (as) as in future Dibbe Azim ( great sacrifice) would be done by future generation, which was finally performed by grandson of Prophet Mohammed (saw) in the event of Karbala.
Wish you a very happy and blessed Eid Adha!
Tuesday, 23 October 2012
Monday, 22 October 2012
Innovative Mazher: Feel the world with your a/c (Weatherator)
Innovative Mazher: Feel the world with your a/c (Weatherator): Don’t set temperatures anymore, get on a higher level with my idea, an augmented systemised a/c, which allows you to set cities rather th...
Wednesday, 17 October 2012
India Of My Dreams: Financial accounting be mandatory for MPs, MLAs, M...
India Of My Dreams: Financial accounting be mandatory for MPs, MLAs, M...: Financial accounting be mandatory for legislators. All major financial statements be made mandatory from all Members of Parliament, M...
Saturday, 6 October 2012
Innovative Mazher: Just caller’s voice mobile, no back sounds
Innovative Mazher: Just caller’s voice mobile, no back sounds: Lets other hear only your voice no background sounds and disturbances My technique, a simple augmentation inbuilt in your mobile wil...
Wednesday, 3 October 2012
Innovative Mazher: Device giving signals when mobile / wallet is stol...
Innovative Mazher: Device giving signals when mobile / wallet is stol...: My technique lets you know the moment your mobile is stolen while the stolen mobile phone is still within hand’s reach, and reminds you...
Monday, 1 October 2012
Innovative Mazher: Thermal view of Refrigerator and its solution
Innovative Mazher: Thermal view of Refrigerator and its solution: My Technic is based on a simple question, if an a/c is kept inside a room and operated, would the room get hotter or cooler? Well the cor...
Sunday, 30 September 2012
India Of My Dreams: Why do we treat our modern cities as Harappan town...
India Of My Dreams: Why do we treat our modern cities as Harappan town...: (Part 1: Animal and Manual labour) Let’s take our thoughts 5000 years back, to Indus valley civilization. The...
Wednesday, 26 September 2012
Govt. employees, public servants (Babu) and waist size
Blogged for:
They are the one who are foremost in seeking benefits,
allowances, promotions and increment. At all time some section/ union of babu
are agitating for some or other facility or increment, this pay commission that
pay commission. All these are born by tax payers; do we get in return what we
pay in terms of services? A bigger question than it appears. From road sweeper
to IAS officer, almost all are slowest sloths. I feel biggest reason is their
big pot bellies. Can any sensible Indian imagine a babu without the symbolic
pot belly? Such babu bellies first make them lethargic and later make them
prone to diabetes, high cholesterol, heart problems, making public services
slower, public services output becomes lower, in reality making India slower. I
feel they must be asked to maintain their belly size within limit (40 inch for
males and 36 inch for females) else they be suspended till they bring the size
under control if not at least their pay be correspondingly decremented. Still
better would be stepped sizes be allotted.
Administrative machinery of India rest on government
employees, public servants of all cadres, they are the one who are responsible
for smooth functioning of government on all levels, from rural, municipal, and
state up to central servants. Lethargy of Indian public servants and government
officials (Babu, as they are better known by) is famous and we all know this
national fact. Although bribery is one famous attribute associated with them,
but worst is their slow and lethargic work output.

At appointment they be not critically undersized waist in
correspondence with their height, 40 inches be allowed only to those with 3
year left to retire, slots be divided into 3 years, 6 years, 6 year left to
retirement and thus 6 year left to retirement be never allowed to have 36 plus
waist, while 3 years be allowed to have below 40 waist. No actions be taken
with those left with 1 year for retirement for the year policy is adopted. Initially,
they be given a 1 year period to get waist under control but 50% of improvement
be required at 6 month if not action be taken either suspension or pay
decrement be started. Of course, they be
asked not to take the wrong way to get fit like unneeded surgery or harmful shortcuts.
Be medically guided by official health guidelines. Right control on diet and appropriate
exercises be propagated.
Fast and healthy public servants, free from ailment could
result in low medical absence, faster public services and a healthy public
office. On national level our diabetic and heart related ailment’s load on
government would come down, giving further relief on government exchequer and
thereby relief to tax payer, after all why should we pay for health of babu
when they themselves earn maximum. Imagine, a healthier babu, fast and
efficient public services and thereby a better India!
Saturday, 22 September 2012
Gold be commodity rather an investment, to control inflation
Blogged for:
Indian rupee is neither on any of gold standard nor pegged
to any currency. It’s traded in open market following demand and supply pricing.
On national level gold is an investment and control on inflation has loosened,
creating financial and psychological crisis.
To bridle inflation we must fix the upper limit price of
gold making it a commodity rather than investment. Putting an MRP (maximum
retail price) for gold would be beneficial in controlling inflation.
It would really be a stupidity to put an MRP on current time
frame, this would create havoc which would be uncontrollable and would be more
devastating than being beneficial.
So, what we can do is fix the MRP for the fourth or fifth
year from now, applicable from fourth or fifth year. This postponement would
act as shock absorber for current financial havoc. Thereby reviving the MRP of
gold after every third year but the MRP tag revived would always be applicable
from third year from revived date.
Thus, gold be sold only at MRP rather than fluctuating ever
incrementing rates.
Wednesday, 19 September 2012
Ajmal Kasab’s ambiguous mercy plea to the President
This is what our leading news papers have to say about Ajmal Kasab's mercy petition, what can we conclude, it's so ambiguous.
Mumbai Mirror, page 1, dated 19th September 2012,
Qasab wrote mercy petition in Urdu which was translated by jail authorities and forwarded by jail superintendant to special general of police (jails) in Mumbai
The Times of India, page 1, dated 19th September 2012,
Qasab himself wrote mercy petition in Hindi, which has been sent to President. Qasab was taught Hindi before entering India by Abu Jundal.
Is there something unscrupulous or our media and reporters
make news on their own? Times of India and Mumbai Mirror are sibling newspaper,
then why do they have such contradictory news on their front pages of same
Aseem Trivedi v/s Azad Maidan's violent lads (Urdu)
گزشتہ ماہ آزاد میدان کے قریب جب دو نوجوانوں نے مجاہدین آزادی کی یادگار کو پامال کیا، اس وقت مظاہرین کا احتجاج ہوا اور ان نوجوانوں کی گرفتاری کا مطالبہ کیا گیا. نوجوانوں کا عمل نہایت ہی سنگین تھا لہٰذا مطالبہ جائز بھی تھا.
لیکن اب جب انا ہزارے کے ایک حامی اسیم تریویدی کو گرفتار کیا گیا قومی نشان کی بےحرمتی کے تحت، جن لوگوں نے نوجوانوں کے خلاف احتجاج کیا تھا وہی لوگ اسیم کی گرفتاری کے خلاف احتجاج کرتے ہوئے نظر آ رہے ، یہ دو نظریات کیوں؟
اسیم تریویدی نے قومی نشان کے شیروں کو خونی بھیڑیوں سے بدلہ، اشوک چکر کی جگہ کھوپڑی اور ہڈیاں یعنی خطرے کی نشانی بنادی، اور قومی عبارت 'ستیہ میو جیتے' (محض حق فتحیاب رہتا ہے) کو بدل کر بھرشتہ میو جیتے' (محض بدعنوانی فتحیاب رہتی ہے) لکھا دیا. یہ اظہار کی آزادی نہیں بلکہ توہین ملک ہے.
اگر آزاد میدان کے گرفتارشدہ نوجوانوں کے اعمال کا موازنہ اسیم کے کارٹون سے کیا جائے تو یہ واضح ہے کہ اسیم کا کارٹون ملک کے متعلق مزید توہین آمیز ہے، اس بناء پر کہ یہ قومی نشان کی توہین ہے.
اسیم گرفتارشدہ نوجوانوں کے مقابل مزید سخت سزا کا حقدار ہے. اگر ایک معاملے مے توہین ملک کو سنگین قرار دیا جاتا ہے تو دیگر معاملات کو بھی سنگین مانا جائے.
Thursday, 13 September 2012
Aseem Trivedi v/s Azad Maidan’s violent lads
A month back when youths turned violent and desecrated
freedom martyr’s memorial, activists raised cries against them and demanded
their arrest. What the lads did was grievous and demand for their arrests was
Now, when Aseem Trivedi one of Anna Hazare’s supporter is arrested for insulting national emblem the same activists who demanded arrest of violent lads at Azad Maidan are protesting against arrest of Aseem citing the issue of freedom of expression, it is an irony.
Aseem Trivedi corrupted the national emblem’s lions with blood thirsty wolves, Ashoka Chakra with ‘danger sign’ which has skull and crossed bones, corrupted the motto ‘Satyamewa Jayate’ (Truth Alone Triumphs) with ‘Bhrashtamewa Jayate’ (corruption alone triumphs). This is not an expression rather it is an insult.
Now, when Aseem Trivedi one of Anna Hazare’s supporter is arrested for insulting national emblem the same activists who demanded arrest of violent lads at Azad Maidan are protesting against arrest of Aseem citing the issue of freedom of expression, it is an irony.
Aseem Trivedi corrupted the national emblem’s lions with blood thirsty wolves, Ashoka Chakra with ‘danger sign’ which has skull and crossed bones, corrupted the motto ‘Satyamewa Jayate’ (Truth Alone Triumphs) with ‘Bhrashtamewa Jayate’ (corruption alone triumphs). This is not an expression rather it is an insult.
If we compare the actions of
youths arrested for desecrating memorial with Aseem Trivedi’s cartoons, Aseem’s
cartoon are more insulting towards Nation, since he corrupted National Emblem.
Thus, Aseem deserves stricter punishment than those youths. If we take national
insults seriously we must take it seriously on all occasion.
Monday, 28 May 2012
There's more to ponder over in India than just Taj Mahal
Thursday, 19 January 2012
Multiple Cricket teams
Indian team is losing matches, players blame fatigue, lack of practice, tight schedules etc. We have just one team of eleven selected players and we are a country of over a billion people. It is the right time we establish three independent teams for each type of cricket as niche games within the broad range of cricket. Each ODI, Test and 20-20 have their own teams, and no player from one team be allowed to play in other type unless he resigns the first. In such a scenario we would be having thirty three international players, this would bring hidden talent on scene, as usually the seats are held by old players and new talent doesn’t get chance to come up. Thus there would be no tight schedules nor lack of practice. One board can manage all three teams. If we do this, India would be on top in cricket. Hope we have three teams some day in the best interest of Indian cricket.
Sunday, 15 January 2012
Arbaeen/ Chehlum (fortieth day) of Martyrdom of Imam Husain (as)

Arbaeen/ Chehlum/ 20th Safar (15 Jan 2012) marked the 40th day of remembrance of martydom of Imam Husain (as) grandson of Prophet Mohammed (saw) along with his family and friends in Karbala, Iraq, mercilessly. May Allah curse the murderers of Imam Husian (as).
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