Wednesday, 28 December 2011

Shameless Anna!

As his craze has vanished away atleast now he should understand he is not a public representative forget about being modern Gandhi. A voilent villager self proclaimed national leader should now take some lessons, people have started to understand his hidden motives and many have left his stupid campaign. Parliament showed up yesterday that the real representative of Indian people is Parliament, and the real legislative power rests in the hands of parliament. Anna sensing that his hidden motives are becoming evident day by day coined another stupid term Jan Lok Sabha ( Those who gather up in his campaign) he claimed his Jan Lok Sabha is above Lok Sabha. I can't understand what kind of mentality he has, and how moron are his supporters.

He is really shameless, why I called him shameless is because when a person on chair requests him something in the name of chair, the position needs to be respested. PM, CM and various ministers and MPs have requested him to end his campaign, he denied them ridiculing them, its not the person who he degraded but the position from where they requested him. This itself shows what respect he has for democracy. He talks about sacrifices of freedom fighters, he should know that the said freedom fighters sacrificed exactly for the same democracy that he is ridiculing now.

It was really funny when Mr. Laloo talked about establishing All India Anna Health Organisation. I think Anna should be booked under contempt of Constitution and Parliament. If this could not be done atleast he should be declared mentally unfit and be reffered to psychiatrist on Govt's expenses. As for his joker team Kiran and Arvind they are seriously gone cases nothing could be done, they are dipped in corruption yet claim themselves infallible. If they really want to prove themselves they should contest election and become public representative themselves or get them nominated either. Until then they should not cross their limits. Parliament (Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha) is Supreme, Anna's Jan Lok Sabha is ridiculous.

Sunday, 25 December 2011

Best Wishes on occasion of Christmas

Best wishes on occasion of Christmas and the coming new year 2012, may God bless us with His Blessings.

Saturday, 3 December 2011

Gist of 6th Majlis by Maulana Mohammed At’har

Gist of 4rd in series of topic, 6th Majlis by Maulana Mirza Mohammed At’har, 1 Dec, Moharram 2011, Masjid Iraniyan, Bombay, India
Topic: Injustice done to Prophet (saw) and his ancestors as well as progeny by biased Islamic history
Today, I would like to have a reply from them who want the matter to be forgotten, that as to why shouldn’t we analyse the events in light of evidence and conscience? When ever, something is spoken, they get objected to our views and opinion on grounds of so called authentic hadith. Look, it is written in so and so book, how can you have a contrary opinion? Well, it should be asked from them, for you who is more important? Who do you love more, Prophet (saw) or these so called narrators?
In their opinion Prophet (saw) was bestowed prophet hood after 40 years. We believe him to be prophet throughout his life from start to the end. Well, let them believe what they have to, but can they answer that up to these 40 years, what was the status of Prophet (saw)? Since, if he was not a prophet for 40 year what was he an ummati (follower of prophet) or a prophet himself? If he was ummati and later became prophet, isn’t it stupid to think that he was lower in status to someone else since he was the other person’s ummati and all of sudden became greater than the person to whom he was ummati, because we all know Prophet (saw) is higher than any other prophet (as). Thus, we can’t have such shaggy belief as they have.
What we have to say about his first 40 years is that in that time as well he was a prophet. But his job was not to reveal the scripture or bring new canon to an uncultured people of Hijaz (his county). It was necessary that first the characters of these people be raised to comprehend the canon and then the revelation be bought. Just like to sow the seed, the farms have to be tilled and fertilized. Prophet (saw) for 40 years gave them characters, the people who had no virtue began to realize the virtue of sadaqat (truth) and amanat (trust) in Prophet (saw), that’s why they gave him title of Sadiq (Truthful) and Amin (Trustful).
These so called muhadditean (narrators) have bought so much ignorance in minds of muslims that it needs to be checked, else, it harms the faith. They wrote when Mohammed (saw) was in Hira (famous cave) he saw a spirit he got frightened he came trembling to his wife, she wrapped him in blankets. Later, she went to Waraqa (her cousin, a scholar in Bible), Waraqa told her: ask Mohammed (saw) not to get frightened as the spirit which came to him was Gabriel, who in aforetime had came to Moses (as) as well, he will soon become a prophet. So she came and asked him what her cousin had spoken to her, she later asked him to go there once again in the cave. So he went this time Gabriel, pressed him, took out his heart, slit it, took out something and threw that away washed the heart and later put something in his heart and then placed it in chest and closed the slit. How stupid are these whims and fancies of so called narrators. In today’s world we all know the position of heart in human body; it does just the job of pumping blood. All feelings, desires, good and bad action that we do take place first in our brain, so in modern day we know brain and not heart is centre of activities. This Mohaddith was ignorant about anatomy to he wrote as he thought, he wrote heart was cleansed, how could heart be cleaned when views and actions have their centres in the brain? This itself shows, the so called authentic hadith are baseless.
Points to be noted here is that see how favours and certifications of Christianity and Judaism are imposed on Prophet (saw)! We, also don’t believe him to have got frightened when Gabriel appeared to him, when his deputy (Ali (as)) didn’t got frightened with python in childhood, it is so stupid to think Prophet (saw) getting scared. Also, on one occasion they accuse Prophet (saw) is illiterate on second they say Gabriel asked Prophet (saw) to read, how can an illiterate person be asked to read, it is so stupid to think so. They and not we have such baseless belief that Prophet (saw) was illiterate.
Why did Prophet (saw) come to Makka (Hijaz) as these places were almost uncivilized? Why didn’t Prophet (saw) appear in Egypt, India, Greece, Mesopotamia (Iraq) as these were centres of civilization. Well, suppose if am asked to deliver a lecture to a decent public, I will very well do that, but if am asked to deliver a lecture at some place. I go there on the podium and then had a look, those people in audience had stones in their hand, children were doing mischief in the right side and few insane people were sitting on the right side, I would definitely get down and won’t give lecture. Why?
If I get praises from decent audience that is greatness of the content of lecture. But If I give lecture to the above discussed people who had stones in their hand and they praise me and get very engrossed in the lecture, that is definitely the greatness of my character, same happened with Prophet (saw), had he appeared in civilized society that there was nothing great because people were already civilized, Prophet (saw) appearing in Makka, cradle of ignorance and then making them civilized was his personal greatness.
Certain events are attributed to Prophet (saw) that we can never accept, our conscience never accepts those stupid things. One event is Prophet (saw) came for prayers in mid of it got away and later again came back, people asked him, what had happened? He replied: I had forgotten to do ablution. How can a Prophet (saw) forget? If he can than people would definitely ask what kind of prophet is he?
If we object these so called stuff these people say: why you check, what is the necessity? Well, I would like to ask them don’t you check notes (1000 Rs, 500 Rs)? Don’t you have faith in your friend or boss or anyone who gave it to you, what would you say if he objects at your checking? You would say don’t feel bad but there are duplicate notes in circulation. So shouldn’t we also ask these people are there unauthentic hadith in circulation as well? So let us check, don’t object.
Govt. too had made available machines which separate duplicate notes from real one. Did God also give us machine to separate fake hadith from real one? Yes, we have Quran. Checks with it, the hadith which confirms with Quran are authentic while those which have contrary content are faulty.
It is just like someone presenting you 1000 glasses of colddrink, and says to you just one glass has potassium cyanide in it, the possibility is 1 in 1000 so don’t fear have a glass of colddrink, you will never do that, so also, is the case with hadith.
My appeal is not with Muslim ulema (scholars) today but with Muslim Ummah (Muslimdom), that they have a look on these issues which defames the characters of Prophet (saw) and his family and delete these fake hadith.
Husain (as) gave us true identity of Islam, yet they accuse: what was the use of Karbala, people are still doing evil things. Well don’t have such opinions because in that case it can create a more troublesome questions, so many prophets (as) came did the world got a better place? Religion has its own policy. Allah doesn’t want people to believe in him out of force or do actions under force or compulsion. Had it been so Allah would have given headaches to people and that would go away the moment a person offers namaz, no one will ever leave namaz. Allah can give people stomach ache if they don’t fast, all will begin to fast. But Allah doesn’t want anyone to perform his religious duty under force.

Thursday, 1 December 2011

Anna, Opposition, Janlok Pal and Walmart


Foremost, I would like to welcome Walmart to India, now products in India would tranform into world class.

Anna and his stupid team have started funny stuffs once again, same janlok pal issue, now he says: Government double crossed. How funny! govt. had a job to take the bill in parliament, now if parliament and its true representatives of people of India have thought otherwise that of Anna, what is the fault of govt? Anna want his whims and fancies should be taken by MPs as kings order, he wants them to go as and how he thinks, how funny!
He said he is just opposed to govt on janlokpal issue, if that is resolved he would go and help Congress led govt. in its working, I wondered now where this opposition with regards to Walmart of Anna comes from? Implies he wants to gain power in political aspects. Why doesn't he join mainstream politics if he has so many important issue in the interests of public? He knows he would loose on that stage, so just to create a gimmick which can't be checked about his political value he avoid mainstream politics, and declares he is very much inseperable part of Politics (Policy making) in India.
Opposition, has a job to oppose govt. that is very much legal. everyone wants to remain in power, they are more considerate about opposing govt. so they can pave way for their own position in the next tenure. They are not very much considerate about development, its very much understood, just oppose the govt. is the motto of opposition, but this is valid and legal. Why is Anna jumping in, poking his nose in middle of something which he has no idea about? Playing opposition on one occasion and declaring he is very crystal clear and neutral at the same time.

I have this thing to say, I am happy that Walmart came to India! It would create a lot of job vacancies for Indians, and is in interest of country. Anna, you better take some B complex vitamin supplement and rest as well.

Gist of 5th Majlis by Maulana Mirza Mohammed At'har

Gist of 3rd in series of topic, 5th Majlis by Maulana Mirza Mohammed At’har, 30 Nov, Moharram 2011, Masjid Iraniyan, Bombay, India
Topic: Injustice done to Prophet (saw) and his ancestors as well as progeny by biased Islamic history
Yesterday, I discussed about Ali (as) declaring that he gained knowledge from Prophet (saw). People may argue at one point you say Allah taught Ali (as) at other occasion you claim Prophet (saw) gave him knowledge just like birds feed their young ones in nest.
Well, the confusion should be cleared about who actually gave him the knowledge. First, I would like to inform that knowledge has three types:
1)      Knowledge of all sciences and languages (everything that could be questioned about)
2)      Knowledge of seen and unseen, past present and future (as and when they need)
3)      Knowledge of Marifat Ilahi (Connection with God)
The third category has no limits; if ever it had limits it would limit the prestige and power of God, which is in real limitless itself. It is the third kind of knowledge that Ali (as) declared he learnt from Prophet (saw). It was this ilm (knowledge) that Prophet (saw) talked about when he asked Rabbi zidni ilma ( O Lord advance me in my knowledge), since it is limitless knowledge.
I would like to question them that what they think Prophet (saw) came for to distribute Quran of to teach Quran? I was asked to distribute few Gujarati books while I was off to Gujarat, I did exactly that, since I don’t know Gujarati I had nothing to do with what was written in those book, my job was only to distribute. But suppose if am asked to teach a few books at a college, do I need to know about those books or not? Prophet (saw) came to teach Quran, Quran declares knowledge of everything is in this book, if book contains all knowledge and Prophet (saw) came to teach, how can we believe he was illiterate? They accuse us that we believe our Imams (as) have complete knowledge of book. Well, after Prophet (saw) if no one has complete knowledge of book, what is the use of such a knowledge which came for the time being and went away with Prophet (saw)? Off course, Quran says: O Prophet (saw), We are witness over you and He who has complete knowledge of Book. Implies there was someone who had complete knowledge of book, we believe him to be Ali (as). They further accuse us, how do you know? Well, bring any other person who declared Saloni Saloni (ask me, ask me) whatever you would like to ask before I am gone. They could never bring anyone; others themselves came to Ali (as) for their questions. It was Ali (as) who declared: Ask me anything before am gone, ask me the route to skies, today people are doing research about how to reach in various outer space’s locations.
Jahal (ignorance) and ilm (knowledge) are two opposites, whatever good ever happened or is happening or will happen is because of knowledge, and all troubles and vices are because of ignorance. The progress is due to knowledge, troubles are due to ignorance. Thus we say when it is silent it is Quran, when it speaks it is Ali (as)! The people who disagreed and fought with Ali (as) were actually fighting knowledge due to their ignorance! Ali (as) was fountain of knowledge and how stupid they were when fountain itself came to thirsty, these people in their hatred for knowledge out of their ignorance left the sides of Ali (as). Ali (as) made dams in Euprates, and claimed if he wishes he could illuminate the cities with these water falling from dam, it is today that we make hydroelectricity after 1400 years.
It is shame, that these aalims claim themselves aalim by declaring their own Prophet (saw) illiterate! They would say, see its written in so and so authentic book, well, who do you love more, Prophet (saw) or these narrators who wrote the book? Don’t these people have sense!
Ismat (infallibility), we credit out Imams (as) with it. Prophet (saw) and all Imams (as) have Ismat. Prophet brings Shariyat (canon) and it is Imam who interprets it but according to wishes of Allah and not on his own wishes. Can you memorise a mere directory, no, not even a single talk or debate word to word. This is exactly where problem creeps in thus we need infallible person, then and only then can there be no scope for error. It is gigantic task in itself to be perfect about a teaching which itself took 23 years to take its form. Am having a talk with you today can you memorise it word for word tomorrow? No one, I am sure of that. But if someone records it, it can be available word for word. What if the recorder is a young man, do old people have any doubt about record, exactly this happened. The older ones got angry that a young man was given the task of interpretation. What if number of copies of records is made one after the other would there be any change in the message? No, this is exact case of series of Imams (as).
Ismat is not a prestige issue, rather is it much more a necessity for the religion. In the other way round it must be clear that where the error took place, if it can’t be located and one is sure error did took place, the whole process would became faulty. Thus either the error must be located or infallibility be accorded, if ever religion is believed to be correct.
Another accusation is Prophet (saw) was mortal and like use. We believe he was Noor (Spiritual illuminance). A mere mortal can’t bear the weight of spiritual (hidden) aspects of Quran. They would further argue why he came in image of man? Well, Allah says: la ikraha fid diin (there is no compulsion in religion), Allah doesn’t want people to recite declaration of faith out of force. Had he come in his Noor personality people would have become muslim out in fear. Thus Allah gave him two aspects one which was Noor other which was bashar (normal human being). Prophet (saw) is taken as witness for Adam (as), how can he be witness when he was not even born, implies his Noor was always there.
Today when reciting majlis am here, I am sure thousands of TV are watched around world, it is magnificence of electronic waves. We know material can’t be at two places on same occasion, but look electronic waves take my influence to so many places at the same time. Exactly this is the issue when we call Ya Mohammed (saw) and Ya Ali (as) and so on.
If someone disrespects Quran, won’t muslims get angry? Sure, but if someone is disrespecting Quran in this world what harm he does to celestial Quran which is written on Arsh (Celestial apex). Implies disrespect to any form is a real disrespect and thus there can be two aspects of same source or personality.
So called Mulla (priests) accuse us. These people (Shia) take Ali (as) as god beside Allah. Disgusting! When we celebrate 13th rajab as birthday of Ali (as) or when we mourn 21st Ramadan as martyrdom of Ali (as) these very people accuse us of bidah (innovation) and kufr (disbelief), stupid people, rather than kufr and bidah it is tauhid (monotheism). When we celebrate birth and mourn death we declare we don’t take Ali (as) as god, when we refer Ali (as) to be son of Abu Talib (as), Husnain (as) to be sons of Ali (as), we declare we don’t take Ali (as) as god, Quran itself says: He (God) has neither son nor is He a son! He has neither wives nor childrens, neither born nor dies.
Finally, to end the majlis it is clear these so called religious authorities had no respect for Prophet (saw).
Janabe Zohair (as) and Habib ibn Mazahir (as), actions of both of them in service of Imam Husain (as) at Karbala were briefed up as the close up of session.