Wednesday, 30 November 2011

Gist of 4th Majlis by Maulana Mirza Mohammed At’har

Gist of 2nd in series of topic, 4th Majlis by Maulana Mirza Mohammed At’har, 29 Nov, Moharram 2011, Masjid Iraniyan, Bombay, India
Topic: Injustice done to Prophet (saw) and his ancestors as well as progeny by biased Islamic history
As continued from yesterday, today the talk would be about injustice done with Prophet Mohammed (saw) by Islamic mohaddisaen (narrators). The people who were bribed by Banu Ommaya narrated follies in the name of Hadith to please their lords (Caliphs). Later philosophies and opinion were set up on these issues in following periods.
Mohaddis projected Mohammed’s (saw) family as kafir (disbeliever), why? The biggest reason is Banu Ommayya (Clan of Abu Sufyan) was bitter enemy of Banu Hashim (Clan of Mohammed (saw)) even before the birth of Prophet (saw). Peoples from Banu Ommaya opposed the Prophet (saw) for around 20 years openly and staunchly, finally, when Prophet (saw) entered Makka as a winner, just to save their lives Banu Ommayya people recited Kalma ( Declaration of faith), in their opinion Prophet (would have cut their heads). This would have been true had Prophet (saw) been a king, but no, he was a prophet. Kings rule the situations while prophets rule the conscience.
With the sword in one hand while the Quran in other Mohammed erected his throne on the ruins of Christianity and Rome! These are words of Edward Gibbon. He spoke thus about Islam. It was Gibbon’s opinion about Islam and Prophet (saw), why? The people who appeared to be muslim in eyes of Gibbon did had sword in one hand. Prophet (saw) had given two things as his legacy Quran in one hand while Ahlul bayt (is family members) in the other. People who claimed muslims left Ahlul Bayt (as) and took swords in the other hand. I would say Gibbon you’re looking from Europe, rather, have a look from our view these people didn’t even had Quran in the other hand they just had stones in Juzdan (Cloth bag in which Quran is wrapped)!
We do take objection to this that ancestors of Prophet (saw) were disbelievers. Taqallum (alternations) is an Arabic word which in Quranic ayat (verse) implies to alternations of generations (father-son-father-son…). Allah says: O beloved we have made you taqallum among those who prostrate to Allah! Implies none from the ancestry were disbelievers, from Adam (as) to Abdullah (as) all were muslims. Even in Ziyarat that we recite we witness about the faith of his ancestors. In other verse Allah shed light that Prophet (saw) was raised among momineen (faithful). Anfusana (self) word is used to denote relation between those who resemble each other outwardly as well as inwardly. This same word is used in ayat Mobahila (imprecation) as well. To cite an example, if I had to get Quran kept in other corner of room packed with people, how do I get? Either a person would take Quran and bring it directly to me crossing people, or the first person would pass it to second and so on until it reaches me. It is obvious that those who pick the Quran would obviously be Ba Wazu (in state of ablution). When we mere muslims have this much respect that Quran should be handled in state of purity, how would God allow Prophet (saw) on whom Quran would decend to be son of disbelievers? These mohadisen wrote Prophet (saw) was just like them equal to them, but we believe he was Noor (Spiritual illuminance).
All ancestor of Prophet (saw) were believers and not just common believer they possessed Wilayat (supremacy in eyes of Allah over other believers). Abdul Mutallib declared am being ordained about digging Zamzam well. Zamzam well when was re-dug by Abdul Mutallib (as) kafirs (disbelievers) objected citing the reason that it was disrespectful for their idols, had He been an idolators would he go to dug the wellwhen it was objectionable to idols? Rather he asked his tribesmen to get ready with weapon incase these people object further. Mohaddisen wrote when he was digging Kafireen assembled, well had he been kafir as well it would have been written ‘people’ assembled there, but since he was not like others word kafir is used for other, unknowingly by the same mohaddiseen. Amina (as) also recited verses which correspond to verses of Quran at time of Prophet’s (saw) birth, implies all were momineen. Mohaddisen didn’t enter them, they inserted names of new muslims, it is obvious that only new people are listed, older who are already a part, doesn’t get enlisted, since they are already a part.
They may question, about they didn’t offered namaz, well they did, what system prevails today since the Prophet’s (saw) time was not practiced but there was an alternate valid system. There was namaz always in some or other form; even these people who ask us question themselves have different types of namaz depending on maslak they follow even today. Different namaz have different forms, daily prayers are different from Jumma, Eid prayers are different, janaza prayers are different, ayaat prayers are different so the issue should not be was it there or not. It was only the form was different. Jafar Tayyar (as) declared he never worshipped any idols nor ever sipped alcohol even during the days of ignorance.
They object with us, saying Quran says Allah sent an Ummi (Uneducated) prophet among themselves. Well, we believe since Makka is known as Ummul Qura as well, Allah referred Prophet (as) as it citizen by calling him Ummi. They further object that even the word minhum (from among) is used. Well, we would say yes Makkan were uneducated a majority of them were thus, so Allah from this viewpoint states he raised from among them who were uneducated but Prophet (saw) was educated among these uneducated. The reason is they didn’t saw Prophet (saw) with paper and pen, they thought he was uneducated. Well, who did taught Prophet (saw)? Since, Allah was his teacher he didn’t had any worldly teacher.
If literal point is taken a person who masters in literature of some language, two people without any reason gains popularity because of them, the one is his teacher the other his student. That this person is teacher of so and so or this person is student of so and so. Look in this light Teacher of Prophet (saw) is Allah while the student of Prophet (saw) is Ali (as). Can anyone doubt about the knowledge of Ali (as) even the people who didn’t believed in his imamat or even his staunchest enemies had to agree about his knowledge. Who taught Ali (as) so he gained knowledge, no one ever tried to take credit, did any? Ali (as) on two occasions said Prophet (saw) taught him. On one occasion he said that Prophet (saw) opened for him thousand doors of knowledge and he further opened thousand from each. Doesn’t this show that Prophet (saw) himself was educated? On second occasion Ali (as) said that Prophet (saw) gave him knowledge just as birds feed in its babies in the nest from mouth to mouth.
If you ask them that do you have any document of any person from the time of Prophet (saw)? The document should be from time of Prophet (saw) while it should be present even today? We have Quran, but that is word of Allah. Secondly, we have Hadith those are words of Prophet (saw), the only other document which we have is Nahjul Balagha (Peak of eloquence) which is credited to Ali (as), his interpretation of Quran. Now we have three documents, Quran word of Allah, Ahaadith words of Prophet (saw), Nahjul Balagha words of Ali (as). If at this moment I feel to recite Kalima, how should I do that? Shouldn’t it be like this: There is no god but Allah; Mohammed (saw) is messenger of Allah, Ali (as) is Waliallah (superiority over other believers in eyes of Allah)!
There after Habib’s bin Mazaher (as) receiving the letter of Imam Husain (as) to join him and cascading events were informed. Masaaib were followed as climax of Majlis.

Tuesday, 29 November 2011

Gist of 3rd Majlis by Maulana Mohammed At’har

Gist of 1st in series of topic, 3rd Majlis by Maulana Mirza Mohammed At’har, 28 Nov, Moharram 2011, Iraniyan Masjid, Bombay, India
Topic: Injustice done to Prophet (saw) and his ancestors as well as progeny by biased Islamic history.
Islamic society had done injustice with family of Prophet (saw), his ancestors as well with his progeny. We would in concluding majaalis ponder over about the issue in a manner like a sort of investigations.
People accuse shia of exhuming the dead and buried issues even after 1400 year, may be to spread disintegration among muslim. Well, rather than disintegration it’s a demarcation about truth and evil. Unless people don’t know truth and evil they mix the two, by bringing up the issue we rather try to bring up truth. In an environment which was terrible for us we may have gone silent or hidden but in this secular environment, what’s wrong to bring up our issue and use our freedom of expression?
The mohaddith ( narrators) who were on stipends of tyrant Banu Ommayya wrote hadiths under their pleasures and according to their wishes. Greek court recently reopened the issue about the illegitimate death sentence on Socrates after 2500 year, he was asked to declare King's opinion to be true or drink the cup of poison, he did the latter, just to separate truth from falsehood. Similar case is being going through Pakistan judiciary about the death sentence of Z A Bhutto, accused is dead, but the people who support Z A Bhutto want truth to prevail. Implies it’s all about who people support, when we shia raise the issue which are 1400 years old we actually show our support for Husain (as).
Islamic history did injustice with two famous people of Islamic history the first being Abu Talib (as) and second being Khadija (as). Abu Talib (as) is accused of being idolatory and Khadija’s (as) age falsely stated. Abu Talib (as) is told as both a Kafir as well as protector of Prophet (saw) both at same time. Because of the second topic the protection granted to Prophet (saw) Allah would decrease his punishment in Hell to such a limit at just his brain would be boiling like food being cooked, hilarious! This is what majority of muslims believe is the due paid to Abu Talib (as) for protecting Prophet (saw), disgusting! If someone says his grown up children don’t listen to him, that can be understood, but if someone say his tiny children don’t listen to him, that's unbelievable. It implies fault in them. Ali (as) son of Abu Talib declared to believe in Mohammed (as) at age of 12 or 13 and Abu Talib (as) stood by him, why didn’t a kafir Abu Talib (as) stopped his 12 year old son from becoming a believer? This accusation is for a reason the Banu Ommayya knew the crimes of their forefather could never be wiped out, so rather than trying to wipe those out, it would be better to blame others with same crimes, this would bring the two on same level.
Second, injustice done is with Khadija (as) about her age, that Prophet (saw) married a lady of 40 years, why didn’t ladies of Prophet’s (saw) house stopped him from marrying an old lady? Sunni Hadith Sabaqat Ibn Sa’ad mentions that Prophet (saw) was born in year of Elephant, same book mention Khadija (as) was born 3 years before year of Elephant, implies she was just 3 years older than Prophet (saw). The reason why Khadija (as) didn’t married other when although proposals were being sent to her is because she was on same religion as was Mohammed (saw).
To conclude from history of so called mohhadisaen two people are kafir (disbeliever) and two are momin ( faithful). Abu Sufyan and Yazid are momin. Abu Talib (as) and Shia are Kafir. The people who fight with Prophet (saw) and His grandson (as) are Momin and the person who supported Prophet (saw) and those who mourn the painful martyrdom of his grandson (as) to this day are kafir. Well, it’s ok, may on the day of judgement we be there where Abu Talib (as) is and these be there were Abu Sufyan be.
Abu Talib (as) supported Islam with his influence while Khadija (as) supported Islam with her money. When Prophet (saw) would come home having sadness on his face, Khadija (as) would ask what happened? Prophet (saw) would reply my people are hungry, Khadija (as) would respond take my money and feed them. Glory! She became mother she fulfilled her duty as mother. The lady with whom Prophet (saw) spent 25 years has but few pages in history while those ladies who spent few years with Prophet (saw) have book over book written for them. Her age is increased in hadith implies maybe it was taken from someone’s else age and added to Khadija’s (as) while the other’s age was decreased!
People may ask how much did Khadija (as) spent, look Makka was not very prosperous, and how much she had to spend? What was influence of Abu Talib (as) population of Makka was low, the best reply to such questions is whenever a muslim walks with his religious prestige it’s because of influence of Abu Talib (as) and whatever Muslim eats is because of money of Khadija (as).
When both Abu Talib (as) and Khadija (as) passed away in few month one after other, it was at this point that Allah asked him to migrate out of Makka. Prophet (saw) called it year of sadness, they say mourn for 3 days over dead. Was Allah who raised Moses (as) in pharoah’s palace so weak who can’t protect Mohammed (saw) in Makka? No, but it was to show that the influence which protected Mohammed (saw) was of Abu Talib's (as) while the money which helped Islam was of Khadija's (as). Otherwise people would have said: he stayed in Makka even after the death of Abu Talib (as), implies someone else gave protection and someone else' money was used. Allah by his order certified the value of Abu Talib (as) and Khadija (as).
Abu Talib (as) just didn’t gave his influence he left influence and gave Islam his son Ali (as) to continue the influence. Same with Khadija (as), she also gave birth to a daughter Fatima (as) as her legacy. Allah unified the two sources by asking Prophet (saw) to marry Fatima (as) with Ali (as).
When influence of all the prophets (as) concentrated it became influence of Prophet (saw), when influence of Prophet (saw) concentrated it became jihad of Husain (as).
Masaaibs were followed later at the end of Majlis.

Monday, 28 November 2011

Moharram 2011

Moharram the Islamic year has just begin, but rather than festivity its full of mourning, as Prophet's beloved grandson (saw) Imam Husain (as) was mercilessly butchered along with other 71 members of his family and friend circle. These martyrs did include even 6 month old baby Ali Asghar (as) who was pierced by a poisonous arrow on his throat. Head of 72 martyrs we cut and put on spears, ladies were taken captives they were paraded from market to market, court to court shamlessly handcuffed, neck tied to rope and without their outer covering ( Hijab), finally taken to tyrant Ommayad caliph Yazid. The people who killed the these 72 person claimed they were Muslim and were doing holy war ( Islamic duty), this shows Islam and Holy Prophet's (saw) family itself were the first victims of these terorrism which is termed as holy war.
It all started with Yazid asking allegience ( Bayah) from Husain (as) grandson of Prophet (saw) to run is illegitimate caliphate, and whatever evil he would do would on account of allegience of Husain (as) be certified by Husain (as). Imam Husain (saw) chose to sacrifice his life and give his family and friends for the sake of Islam and upto the last day made it sure that Prophet's (saw) Islam was different from duplicate Caliphate based Islam which promoted terrorism.
Imam Husain's (as) eternal sacrifice would ever be remembered by all, he asked his lover before laying his life: Hal Min Nasirin Yansurna ( Would would join me in my cause). Reply to it by saying: Labaik Ya Husain (as) ( I am ready to help your cause O Husain (as))

Mahatma Gandhi  once declared; if ever I too had 72 people like those who were in camp of Husain (as) I would have won freedom for India in less than 24 hours.
He also said: If ever India desires to be a successful country it should follow the principles of Imam Husain (as).
He also said: I learnt from Husain (as) how to won even after being oppressed.

Wednesday, 23 November 2011

Like others, Anna too has had his days

I've been against him right from the moment he started his mission and his activities about his jan lok pal. I feel hapy that slowly slowy his concepts and opinion are becoming evident as to how much value they imbibe in them and how much welfare those methods can bring up. As discussed previously about Anna's method to deal with alcoholics, tieing them to trees and flogging them is illegal and a crime. Anna should be booked under various sections of IPC, CRPC, BPA etc. Law allows to manufacture alcohol, law allow to consume alcohol, who is Anna to go to such limits in practising his self made rules? If any alcoholic does misbehave that case should be taken to police and an official complaint be launched, its duty of police they have right to deal in such matters Anna doesn't have any right. To held guily and to punish is responsiblity of court, Anna can't punish, such actions are contempt of judicial system. Now, he say he used to do it back about 25 years, and those people have said it was good for them. This is just because they fear further illegal torture by Anna and his team that they declare such statement. He wants to become second Gandhi, first Gandhi was so non-voilent this duplicate Gandhi is so voilent. His real motive was publicity which Gandhiji enjoys in our country and not social issue. This is why he is busy in making his wax statue rather than campaigning.
He say it all happened long back 25 year is not long back if our laws are considered IPC itself came into being in 1869 so Anna has no excuse, as even 25 years back IPC was there as Penal law.
People should concentrate on legal way which are in accordance with our supreme consitituion and not in whims and fancies of Anna and his brainless team, which has no care for law of land.
He talks about removign corruption in India, can't even manage core committee, they themsleves are having dispute he can't resolve and he accuses Govt. of not trying to resolve issue which include whole parliament and legislative assemblies of whole India and all the states, just look how difficult it is to deal with such issue. If Anna can't deal with his tiny team, salute the govt. it is talking into confidence of all representatives from so many contituencies.
I hope slowly slowy this Anna fever will vanish away. Sane people who respect the law of land ignore him, in the mean time Anna should be reffered to some psychiatrist on govt. expenses. My previous comments on him:!/photo.php?fbid=263024750408858&set=a.215825958462071.66353.100001040046136&type=3&theater!/photo.php?fbid=263024750408858&set=a.215825958462071.66353.100001040046136&type=3&theater!/photo.php?fbid=2181971803283&set=t.100001040046136&type=3&theater

Monday, 21 November 2011

Eid Mubahila ( 24 Dhul Hajja)

Mubahila ( imprecation) is an event towards the end of ninth year, Prophet (saw) sent his official letters of office of prophethood to tribes around. One such letter was send to Bishop of Najran, Yemen, it concluded in invitation to Islam or exercise religious freedom under Islamic government.

The Bishop send 14 members as representative to Madina to discuss the issue with Prophet (saw), the deputation was headed by Abdul Masih Aaquib, Abdul Haris ibn Alqama and Saiyed. The discussed the issue with Prophet (saw) who invited them to Islam as truthful messenger from same God who sent Jesus (as) aforetime for guidance, in case they dont accept Islam they have to accept the conditions of exercise of religious freedom in accordance to Islamic rules ( payment of Jizya).

They began to inquire from Prophet (saw) about his belief in Jesus (as), about what Islam says about Jesus (as). They were not convinced with reply of Jesus (as) not being son of God rather just be messenger and prophet of God.

As counter question, the representatives put question about who the father of Jesus (as) was? Since they too knew Islam believes in virgin and miraculous conception of Mary (as). They put this question deliberately to get reply 'no one', thus they can conclude that if no one fathered Jesus (as) implies that he was son of God.

God revealed the following verse of Qur'an as a reply for them, which would put stop to their counter questions:

[Quran 3:59] Inna ma-sala Isa inda Allah kama-sali Aadama khalqahu min turabinn summa qala lahu kun fayakun
Indeed, the example of Jesus to Allah is like that of Adam. He created Him from dust; then He said to him, "Be," and he was.
[Quran 3:60] Alhaqqu min Rabbika fala takun min almumtarin
The truth is from your Lord, so do not be among the doubters.

Thus, this bought an end to their counter question, they wanted to imply that since Jesus (as) had no father would imply he was son of God. God replied in eyes of God, Jesus (as) was in likeness of Adam (as). If they go by their beliefs than Adam (as) had greater right to be son of God since he had niehter father nor mother.

This too could not convince them. Lately, the following verse was revealed to Prophet (saw) as last option possible:

[Qur'an 3:61] Faman haajjaka fihi mim ba'di majaa'aka min alilmi faqul ta'aalu nadu abna'ana wa abna'akum wa nisa'ana wa nisa'akum wa anfusana wa anfusakum summa nabtahil fanajal la'anat Allahi ala alkazibin!

Then whoever (Christians of Najran, Yemen) argues with you (Prophet Mohammed) about it after [this] knowledge has come to you - say, "Come, let us call our sons (Imam Hasan and Imam Husain) and your sons, our women (Fatima Zahra) and your women, ourselves ( Prophet Mohammed and Imam Ali) and yourselves, then supplicate earnestly [together] and invoke the curse of Allah upon the liars [among us]."

They, were asked to assemble with their sons, women and selves and curse each other and if Prophet (saw) was liar there curse would fall on him and vice versa.

Note, herein Prophet (saw) had an option to take more then one woman, and more one who would be like him ( his self). He took just his daughter and cousin although there was an option but with condition. It implies that no one was equivalent to his self except Ali (as) though other had desires to be taken, also no other woman was competant enough except Fatima (as).

Once, the Christian deputation accepted the imprecation contest, Salman Farsi (ra) was asked to make arragement and a stage. On 24th Dhul Hajja 9th Hijri, Prophet (saw) bought them (the aforetold persons), the Christian deputations was awestruck and spellbound to see the illuminating personalities. They became sure enough that if these people utter curses against them they would perish away.

Abdul Haris ibn Alqama exclaimed: "Verily I see a divine light on the face of our combatants; I am beholding such faces among them as can make the mountains move from their spots if they pray to God. So beware! Never try to contest with them, otherwise you will perish and the entire nation of Christians will succumb to extinction!"

Later, they signed a treaty to live as Christians and exercise religious freedon within Islamic government in return for Islamic tax 'Jizya'.

Day of triumph, Eid Mubahila Mubarak!!! 

Tuesday, 15 November 2011

Eid Ghadeer ( 18th Dhul Hajja)

In the year of farewell Hajj just after Hajj, when Prophet (saw) was returning back to Madina, on his way to Madina at some distance away at Juhfa, Archangel Gabriel ( Jibril) bought down the following revealation of Quran to Prophet (saw):

[Qur'an 5: 67] Ya ayyuhar Rasulo balligh maa unzila ilayka mir Rabbik, wa i(n)l lam taf'al fama ballaghta risaalatahu. wa Allahu ya'simuka minan naas, innal Allaha la yahdil qaumal kaafiriin.

O Messenger, announce that which has been revealed to you from your Lord, and if you do not, then you have not conveyed His message. And Allah will protect you from the people. Indeed, Allah does not guide the disbelieving people.

After its revealation caravan entered the valley of Ghadeer khum near Madina, Ghadeer khum literally mean an oasis in archaic Arabic, thus the name. Here, afternnon prayers were offered Prophet (saw) asked people to make a pulpit near the oasis. Prophet (saw) delivered a heart touching speech and finally made Ali (as) to stand beside him. He asked people: did you know this man? They replied in boost: He is Ali son of Abu Talib. Prophet (saw) began saying thus: Allahu Maulaya wa anaa Maulatul Momin wa man kuntu Maulahu fahaza Aliyyun Maulahu that is Allah is my Maula, I am momin's Maula and to whom so ever I am Maula then Ali is his/ her Maula. He prayed in favour of Ali (as) and his supporters and stepped down from pulpit. Instantly, Umar bin Khattab ( later second Caliph) got up and congratulated Ali (as) and said: Greetings O son of Abu Talib this day you have been made commander of faithfuls ( Amirul Momniin).

Points to be remembered: Allah asked Prophet (saw) that if he didn't declared what was revealed it would imply he didn't convey any message of messengership of whole 23 years. It should be understood that now, if some one doesn't believe in this declaration it would imply he/ she didn't believed in any message from 23 years.

Just after this event got over Gabriel bought a momentous revealation of Qur'an, it forms the part of following verse:

[Qur'an 5:3] Alyauma akmaltu lakum diinakum wa atmamtu alaykum ni'mati wa raditu lakumul Islama diina

This day I have perfected for you your religion and completed My favor upon you and have approved for you Islam as religion.

Eid Ghadeer Mubarak!!!

Sunday, 13 November 2011

Children's day

Better than just distributing toffees to students it would be better to look into the issue revolving around children and try to ponder what exactly children need?
Children are future, they need nutrition, protection, education, care and most important a scope to develop. None of the necessities are met as they should be and ironically we expect growth of our nation in future which would definately be run by these very children. To be specific about education, its getting worst day by day.
Shameless vote bank politics and porous ethos results in idiotic education system, which in turn pressurises the scope and hamper the development of children.
Only those stuffs should be taught which develops child's overall personality in consideration with age. I can't understand why just to pacify political ethos education systems are modified? i.e. three to four languages are taught to children in school because x language has this status, y language has that status and z language has further this status.
Maths and science are not taught to make their aptitude grow rather they are taught to rote and practise. Without first letting them know the application and reasons for the same, theories and concepts are taught.
To make them competant is confused with making them tired.
Hope our outlook changes, but I feel first the same old mindset people who control education system be changed for some better and different ones.
Right to education should not be confused with school attendance!

Thursday, 10 November 2011

11-11-11 ( 11:11) November sensation

Funny sensation going on around, everyone wants to run after 11-11-11 (11:11), do something memorable, how funny! It's just a number, if you look at it deeply its 11-11-2011, remember the year is 2011, the moment for which people are running for actually happened long back, it happened on 11-11-1111 AD (11:11). I dont feel there is any need to go mad about it. It Ok it you cherish the moment but there are other moments as well.

Astrology takes you no where same is Numerology they are just man made assumptions. Worst thing around C-sections. Atleast, don't go for C section and let babies take their time, no need to pull them. If parents seriously want to do something on that moment they can pray for the babies to be born or just relax.